We’ve had a super busy couple of days enjoying the gorgeous weather.

After all this sun, the plants were desperate for some water, so the children used their watering cans to give them a refreshing drink.

Children watering plants with a watering can

We’ve also been encouraging the children to stay hydrated and drink more water in the hot weather. To do this, we’ve been experimenting with flavoured water! So far we’ve tried orange slices and mint and cucumber. The latter was a huge hit with the children.

Mint and cucumber flavoured water

If you have any other flavoured water combinations we can try, we’d love to hear them.


Most often we share pictures of children engaged in their activities, but this morning we thought we’d get some photos of everything set up ready for the children to arrive.

A table set up with paints and glue and coloured card
Dodleston Pre-School's bug hotel

They never fail to get straight down to business with their activities, and before long the perfectly set up activities are no longer Pinterest worthy. However, they are fully engaged with and the children often add their own touches and ideas to take the activities off into directions we couldn’t possibly have thought up. We love to observe this process every single day.

Today we’ve seen:

  • Bug hunts
  • Cups full of slugs
  • Nature photography (with some brilliant results!)
  • Fun in the mud kitchen
  • Sandpit playing
  • Reading in the sunshine
Planks running into buckets

Keeping the plants (and ourselves) hydrated