Construction zone at Dodleston Pre-School with tyres and roadwork signs

We’re always looking for ways to improve our facilities and toys/activities at Dodleston Pre-School. And we rely on donations and help from others to make these things a reality.

This morning, our dreams came true! Fairy Grandma Karen has been working her magic again. Her and her husband created a brand new ‘construction zone’ overnight for the children.

This space involves tyres, ‘pedestrians’ and other roadwork signs, toy diggers/dumper trucks, a balancing plank with buckets at either end, traffic cones and more!

Tyres and road signs on an area of chipped bark at Dodleston Pre-School

The children were over the moon and got stuck straight in. They especially loved the scales and spent most of the morning scooping up bark and stones and filling the buckets, figuring out how they work.

We are so thankful for this incredible space. Kindess, thought and time mean the world to the purple ladies, as well as the children, and it takes very special people to volunteer, to plan, fundraise and build this for us, including other areas like our bug zone.

The new construction zone at Dodleston Pre-School with traffic cones and roadwork signs


In other news, the children have been taking part in that traditional activity known as roll-the-pumpkins-down-the-slide. Just in time for Halloween! They have screamed with laughter as they’ve rolled them, and the purple ladies have waited for them to turn into carriages……now, where’s that Fairy Grandma Karen?

Children rolling pumpkins down the slide
A child rolling a pumpkin down a blue slide
Our new construction zone